sjPlot 1.6 – major revisions, anyone for beta testing? #rstats

In the last couple of weeks I have rewritten some core parts of my sjPlot-package and also revised the package- and online documentation.

Most notably are the changes that affect theming and appearance of plots and figures. There’s a new function called sjp.setTheme which now sets theme-options for all sjp-functions, which means

  1. you only need to specify theme / appearance option once and no longer need to repeat these parameter for each sjp-function call you make
  2. due to this change, all sjp-functions have much less parameters, making the functions and documentation clearer

Furthermore, due to some problems with connecting / updating to the RPubs server, I decided to upload my online documentation for the package to my own site. You will now find the latest, comprehensive documentation and examples for various functions of the sjPlot package at For instance, take a look at customizing plot appearance and see how the new theming feature of the package allows both easier customization of plots as well as better integration of theming packages like ggthemr or ggthemes.

Updating the sjPlot package to CRAN is planned soon, however, I kindly ask you to test the current development snapshot, which is hosted on GitHub. You can easily install the package from there using the devtools-package (devtools::install_github("devel", "sjPlot")). The current snapshot is (very) stable and I appreciate any feedbacks or bug reports (if possible, use the issue tracker from GitHub).

The current change log with all new function, changes and bug fixes can also be found on GitHub.

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