R functions for Bayesian Model Statistics and Summaries #rstats #stan #brms

A new update of my sjstats-package just arrived at CRAN. This blog post demontrates those functions of the sjstats-package that deal especially with Bayesian models. The update contains some new and some revised functions to compute summary statistics of Bayesian models, which are now described in more detail.

  • hdi()
  • rope()
  • mcse()
  • n_eff()
  • tidy_stan()
  • equi_test()
  • mediation()
  • icc()
  • r2()

Before we start, we fit some models, including a mediation-object from the mediation-package, which we use for comparison with brms. The functions work with brmsfit, stanreg and stanfit-objects.

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Anova-Freak and Bayesian Hipster #rstats

I’m pleased to announce an update of my sjstats-package. New features are specifically implemented for the Anova and Bayesian statistic and summary functions. Here’s a short overview of what’s new…

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Bayesian Regression Modelling in R: Choosing informative priors in rstanarm #rstats

Yesterday, at the last meeting of the Hamburg R User Group in this year, I had the pleasure to give a talk about Bayesian modelling and choosing (informative) priors in the rstanarm-package.

You can download the slides of my talk here.

Thanks to the Stan team and Tristan for proof reading my slides prior (<- hoho) to the talk. Disclaimer: Still, I'm fully responsible for the content of the slides, and I'm to blame for any false statements or errors in the code…

„One function to rule them all“ – visualization of regression models in #rstats w/ #sjPlot

I’m pleased to announce the latest update from my sjPlot-package on CRAN. Beside some bug fixes and minor new features, the major update is a new function, plot_model(), which is both an enhancement and replacement of sjp.lm(), sjp.glm(), sjp.lmer(), sjp.glmer() and sjp.int(). The latter functions will become deprecated in the next updates and removed somewhen in the future.

plot_model() is a „generic“ plot function that accepts many model-objects, like lm, glm, lme, lmerMod etc. It offers various plotting types, like estimates/coefficient plots (aka forest or dot-whisker plots), marginal effect plots and plotting interaction terms, and sort of diagnostic plots.

In this blog post, I want to describe how to plot estimates as forest plots.

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Going Bayes #rstats

Some time ago I started working with Bayesian methods, using the great rstanarm-package. Beside the fantastic package-vignettes, and books like Statistical Rethinking or Doing Bayesion Data Analysis, I also found the ressources from Tristan Mahr helpful to both better understand Bayesian analysis and rstanarm. This motivated me to implement tools for Bayesian analysis into my packages, as well.

Due to the latest tidyr-update, I had to update some of my packages, in order to make them work again, so – beside some other features – some Bayes-stuff is now avaible in my packages on CRAN.

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