ggeffects 0.8.0 now on CRAN: marginal effects for regression models #rstats

I’m happy to announce that version 0.8.0 of my ggeffects-package is on CRAN now. The update has fixed some bugs from the previous version and comes along with many new features or improvements. One major part that was addressed in the latest version are fixed and improvements for mixed models, especially zero-inflated mixed models (fitted with the glmmTMB-package).

In this post, I want to demonstrate the different options to calculate and visualize marginal effects from mixed models.

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„One function to rule them all“ – visualization of regression models in #rstats w/ #sjPlot

I’m pleased to announce the latest update from my sjPlot-package on CRAN. Beside some bug fixes and minor new features, the major update is a new function, plot_model(), which is both an enhancement and replacement of sjp.lm(), sjp.glm(), sjp.lmer(), sjp.glmer() and The latter functions will become deprecated in the next updates and removed somewhen in the future.

plot_model() is a „generic“ plot function that accepts many model-objects, like lm, glm, lme, lmerMod etc. It offers various plotting types, like estimates/coefficient plots (aka forest or dot-whisker plots), marginal effect plots and plotting interaction terms, and sort of diagnostic plots.

In this blog post, I want to describe how to plot estimates as forest plots.

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ggeffects: Create Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for ‚ggplot‘ from Model Outputs #rstats

Aim of the ggeffects-package

The aim of the ggeffects-package is similar to the broom-package: transforming “untidy” input into a tidy data frame, especially for further use with ggplot. However, ggeffects does not return model-summaries; rather, this package computes marginal effects at the mean or average marginal effects from statistical models and returns the result as tidy data frame (as tibbles, to be more precisely).

Since the focus lies on plotting the data (the marginal effects), at least one model term needs to be specified for which the effects are computed. It is also possible to compute marginal effects for model terms, grouped by the levels of another model’s predictor. The package also allows plotting marginal effects for two- or three-way-interactions, or for specific values of a model term only. Examples are shown below.

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