More support for Bayesian analysis in the sj!-packages #rstats #rstan #brms

Another quick preview of my R-packages, especially sjPlot, which now also support brmsfit-objects from the great brms-package. To demonstrate the new features, I load all my „core“-packages at once, using the strengejacke-package, which is only available from GitHub. This package simply loads four packages (sjlabelled, sjmisc, sjstats and sjPlot).

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Quick #sjPlot status update… #rstats #rstanarm #ggplot2

I’m working on the next update of my sjPlot-package, which will get a generic plot_model() method, which plots any kind of regression model, with different plot types being supported (forest plots for estimates, marginal effects and predictions, including displaying interaction terms, …).

The package also supports rstan resp. rstanarm models. Since these are typically presented in a slightly different way (e.g., „outer“ and „inner“ probability of credible intervals), I implemented a special handling for these models, for which I wanted to show a quick preview here:

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